LWV Edina Positions
Program has a unique LWV meaning at the League. Simply put, program is education and advocacy. Education is the first step of advocacy. It can include studies by which LWV’ers reach consensus on the issue or by concurrence where members take advantage of a study done by another League by using their background information and concurring with their position. It is those positions and the LWVUS principles on which all advocacy is based. No advocacy can be undertaken without a supporting LWV position. We speak with one voice and never work against a position, although some levels remain silent on specific positions.
More details can be found in the Program Positions Background Info document. LWV Edina positions are outlined below; click each one for further information.
Use of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (Adopted 1997; Updated December 2014, June 2020, May 2024)
LWVE supports the following as it relates to Alcohol, Tobacco, Other Drugs (ATOD), Vaping devices and e-cigarette use:
- Educational programs that support improved chemical health, including
- Ongoing programs, especially in the middle and high school years.
- Regular continuing education for adult educators, coaches and school administrators.
- Alternatives to suspension for minor Alcohol, Tobacco, Other Drug, Vaping devices and e-cigarette violations in the schools.
- Youth-led and peer-to-peer education and prevention programs.
- Allocation of public funds for a community initiative to prevent illegal use of Alcohol, Tobacco, Other Drugs, Vaping devices and e-cigarettes.
- Consistent city and school guidelines for adults who chaperone youth activities.
- City ordinances and law enforcement efforts designed to reduce underage and illegal use of Alcohol, Tobacco, Other Drugs, Vaping devices and e-cigarettes.
- Legal system diversion alternatives, such as Youth Court, for low level Alcohol, Tobacco, Other Drugs, Vaping devices and e-cigarette violations.
- Educational programs that support improved chemical health, including
Breaking the Cycle of Violence (Survey and Report 2020, Updated May 2021, May 2023, May 2024)
LWVE supports programs to prevent violence and serve the victims of family violence. These programs should include:
- Educational programs that emphasize self-esteem, healthy sexuality, problem solving, positive expression of emotions, non-violent conflict resolution, and respect for others to prevent violent behavior. This would include support for:
- Government-sponsored parenting and early childhood classes.
- Local or state government mandating or encouraging such education programs in school curricula.
- Use of public money to train teachers and administrators to use curricula that promotes non-violence
- Training for childcare providers.
- Anger management training.
- Educational programs that emphasize self-esteem, healthy sexuality, problem solving, positive expression of emotions, non-violent conflict resolution, and respect for others to prevent violent behavior. This would include support for:
- A requirement that adult educators, including coaches and other people who work with youth, participate in prevention of sexual harassment and violence education programs, and that public money be provided for adequate training and support for mandated reporters.
- The use of public money for a state-wide public information and communication campaign designed to prevent violent and sexually violent behavior, i.e., to promote healthy sexuality, non-violent conflict resolution, and gender and racial equality.
- Efforts of state and local government to develop and coordinate programs dealing with primary prevention of violence.
- Allocation of public monies in governmental programs to combat violence through reducing substance abuse and poverty, and by identifying and responding to individuals who have been violent or are at risk for violent behavior.
- The following institutions taking an active role in preventing violent behavior:
- Religious community
- Business community
- Legal community
- Medical community
- Educational community
- Media
- Civic and recreational community.
- Efforts to encourage the media industry to exercise self-restraint in the promotion of violence.
- Efforts to encourage the pornography industry to exercise self-restraint in the promotion of sexually violent pornography.
- Comprehensive and timely procedures for agencies dealing with family violence.
- Specific crisis intervention training for police officers and social workers working with police departments
- On-going services including sufficient shelter space for abuse victims.
- A complete and continuing system of data collection on incidents of family violence to aid in planning and evaluation of services.
- Providing sufficient advocates to protect the interests of victims of family violence.
- Provision and enforcement of immediate legal remedies for victims of family violence.
- Developing continued coordinated training programs for all legal and human services professionals to address the on-going problems of family violence.
City of Edina Advisory Boards and Commissions (Adopted May 2006; Updated May 2018, Survey and Report 2020; Updated May 2021)
LWVE supports:
- Codified, uniform term limits for all appointed advisory boards and commissions;
- Appointments to advisory boards and commissions that reflect the demographics of the City of Edina; including youth, with goals of diversity, equity and inclusion.
- Accurate, consistent, accessible and timely publication of:
- The purpose of advisory boards and commissions, openings on boards and commissions, and the application/appointment process;
- Advisory board and commission member names, term dates and contact information;
- City staff liaison names and contact information;
- Advisory board and commission meeting notices, agendas and minutes.
- Review by LWVE, every three years, of all advisory boards or commission appointments, application/appointment process, and publication of contact information/meeting notices/agendas/minutes. LWVE will report the findings of the review to the LWVE Board, the advisory board or commission, and the City Council within two months of completing our review.
Community Center (Updated May 2024)
LWVE supports maintaining a Community Center in Edina which:
- Responds to the diverse interests and changing needs of current and future users.
- Includes broad citizen involvement in its governance.
- Employs a professional staff to ensure quality programs.
- Has access to multiple funding sources including financial support by both the city and school district.
Education (Updated May 2019; June 2020, May 2024))
LWVE supports continuing a system of excellence in Edina’s public schools, pre-K through grade 12 and community education for all ages, which is characterized by:
- An adequate combination of both state and local revenues.
- Procedures which fit teaching methods and content to the students’ rate and style of learning, needs and abilities.
- Policies that encourage and support family engagement.
- Responsiveness to the diverse interests and changing needs of all current and future students.
- LWVE supports school district boundaries which coincide with city boundaries.
Fiscal Priorities for the City (Updated May 2024)
LWVE advocates a balanced, adequate and equitably funded city budget which emanates from:
- Long range financial planning.
- Financial information provided to all residents and property owners.
- Meaningful participation by residents and property owners in setting priorities.
Land Use/Environmental Quality (Adopted 1971; Updated 1973, 1992, 2020, May 2024))
LWVE advocates land use policies for the city which:
- Require consideration of environmental impact.
- Protect open lands and water resources in the City of Edina. We urge the city to exercise its powers to acquire land and regulate land use to protect native wildlife and water resources.
- Regulate development to facilitate efficient use of transportation systems and utilities.
- Promote communication between planning commission and community concerning pending development decisions and land use changes.
- Implement and maintain a system of bike paths and walkways.
LWVE adopts the LWVUS Position on “The Environment” which includes a statement on Climate Change.
Public Facilities (Updated May 2024)
LWVE supports public facilities in Edina which:
- Balance public interests and needs with fiscal responsibility.
- Respond to the diverse and changing needs of Edina.
- Allow for public involvement in their governance.
Private Access to and Use of Public Facilities in Edina (Adopted May 2010; Updated May 2021, May 2024))
LWVE supports:
- A communications advisory body to advise the City Council and City staff on matters related to City communications.
- The City periodically commissioning statistically valid resident surveys to acquire current data on resident preferences and priorities.
- Editorial standards for City communications that reflect the priorities of the residents of Edina.
- Policies related to private access to and use of public facilities in Edina that:
- Are clearly written;
- Are clear in scope, authority, and principle;
- Arise from meaningful public participation;
- Reflect the community’s priorities;
- Provide for equitable access to and use of facilities;
- Provide guidelines for exceptions;
- Are readily accessible to the public in print and electronic forms; and
- Provide guidelines for reassuring safety for all users.
- The publication of a comprehensive policy manual that is readily accessible to the public in print and electronic forms.
- The publication and ready accessibility in print and electronic forms of detailed budgets and annual financial statements for all recreational enterprise facilities and the Communications and Marketing Department/Communications fund.
- Including budgets for all City funds in the City’s annual budget.
Racial Diversity Equity and Inclusion (Adopted 2023)
To create a more welcoming community, LWVE supports efforts to increase diversity, prioritize equity, and promote inclusion in Edina community nonprofit organizations, and advocates for:
- Diversity, equity and inclusion in leaders, staff and service recipients.
- DEI statements and focused actions that include advancing DEI.
- Creation of a local resource offering information and support to community
organizations, such as demographics, model DEI statements and policies, DEI success stories, and opportunities for ongoing collaboration. - Removal of technical, financial, and other barriers to successful management of, or participation in, community activities by organizations or individuals who live, work or attend school in Edina.
- Inclusion of Edina nonprofit DEI efforts in City of Edina and Edina Public Schools publications and events to encourage full participation by underrepresented
populations. - Dissemination of successful DEI initiatives to the community of Edina.
Recycling (Adopted 1984; Updated April 2011, May 2018, May 2021, May 2024)
LWVE supports a local recyclables and organics program based on the four Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, React, which includes:
- Support and education for the public for recyclables and organics
- Adequate city staff for local recyclables and organics programs.
- Household pickup of recyclables and organics, including food and yard waste.
- An anti-scavenging ordinance to protect recyclables and organics from being picked up by anyone other than the designated receiver.
- Regulations to require local units of government to use recycled and compostable products.
- The establishment of organized systems, to be supervised by the city, for the collection of refuse, recyclables and organics.
- Public education about the new residential organics waste service pick up.
Renewable Energy (Adopted May 2005; Updated May 2019; Survey and Report 2020; Updated via consensus Jan 2021, May 2024)
LWVE supports the use of renewable energy and energy conservation to improve
environmental and public health, energy independence and security for residents and property owners. To realize and support these objectives, LWVE supports:
- Renewable energy objectives for the City of Edina. Examples include:
- Participation in a renewable energy coalition;
- Consideration of renewable energy technology for the city and school buildings;
- Establishment of a percentage of City energy to come from renewable energy sources;
- Considerations of City ordinances or zoning laws that facilitate or require renewableenergy installations in residential, multi-unit, commercial and business buildings and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
- That the City of Edina Energy and Environment Commission provides recommendations for increasing the use of renewable energy sources throughout the City, increasing energy conservation, and educating residents on energy issues.
- That the City and school district inform the public about their energy conservation and renewable energy efforts.
Senior Citizens (Updated May 2010, June 2020, May 2021, May 2024))
LWVE supports policies that are responsive to the seniors in Edina, including:
- A Senior Center with the following attributes: ample on-site parking; easy accessibility by its members; programs for diverse interest and needs; intergenerational uses; adequate staffing by professionals; inclusive of all Edina seniors; adequate funding by the City.
- An adequate transportation system for Edina seniors which includes door-to-door service to the Senior Center; paid professional drivers; lower cost fares to other Edina locations.
- Adequate, affordable, and accessible housing to meet the needs of seniors in Edina.
- Continuation of City funding for basic needs and public healthcare for seniors in Edina.
- Support the continued operation of the Edina Senior Center and programming to meet the needs of current and future users.
- Support legislation and other initiatives which protect seniors and other vulnerable adults to ensure that they get safe, adequate, and respectful care in any setting and the care is free from abuse, neglect and exploitation, including financial exploitation.
- Support educational efforts for seniors and their caregivers to help them determine the best and safest living facilities.
Transportation (Adopted 2013; Updated 2020; Updated 2022)
LWVE supports:
- A public transportation system in Edina
- A system of well-marked and well-maintained bikeways and walkways
- Regulation of development to facilitate efficient use of transportation systems
- Adequate transportation for seniors and people with disabilities that includes door-to-door service, paid professional drivers, and low-cost fares.
- Publicly funded construction of publicly accessible charging stations for electric vehicles.