Local Studies
Every year during what are called Lively Issues meetings of LWVE, members review our local positions and talk about the major public policy or governmental issues of Edina.
The Board receives a summary of these discussions and decides whether to recommend adoption at the Annual Meeting of a study on a particular topic to be conducted the following year. A study committee of LWVE members is appointed which then researches the topic, organizes informational meetings and writes a report and/or a study guide.
At the end of the study period, consensus questions on the subject are developed for Board approval and are the basis of a member discussion, the outcome of which is used to form the Edina League's position on the issue. We can then advocate to the public and city government tor this position as the occasion arises.
View and Download the Studies below (pdf)
- DEI Study Report May 2023
- LWVE Final Boards & Commissions Review Report May 2020
- Breaking the Cycle of Violence Position Update April 2020
- Renewable Energy Update April 2020
- Youth Use of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
- Private Access To & Use of Public Facilities in Edina
- City of Edina Boards and Commissions
- A Study of Renewable Energy
Racial Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Study Completed April 2023
The LWVE study of racial diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in Edina with a focus on nonprofit organizations in the community was completed in April 2023 and provided to membership for review. Following a presentation of the study and results, the LWVE membership adopted a related position statement at the May 2023 Annual Meeting. This Racial DEI Position Statement reads, in part, “To create a more welcoming community, LWVE supports efforts to increase diversity, prioritize equity, and promote inclusion in Edina community nonprofit organizations,” and advocates for DEI in leaders, staff and service recipients, the creation of a local resource offering information and support to community organizations, and the removal of barriers to successful management of, or participation in, nonprofit organizations.